Little Man

The work, fatherhood and madness of Wilhelm Reich. Interactive performance for one actor - with projection and live - drawing - inspired by the eccentric character of Freud's student, W. Reich.

The performance explores the human need to be oriented by strong beliefs, and what happens to us when we lose those compass points. The performance also examines the connection between mind and body in this context, how our beliefs affect our bodies, and vice-versa. Reich was a pioneer in the research into the mind / body connection.

Through their input and participation, the audience becomes an active co-creator of a performance which is different every time. Also onstage are an artist and projectionist, sound designer DJ, and lighting designer who perform as well. Together everyone explores the borderlands between our faith in human kind's ability to change ourselves and the world for the better, and the constant disappointments in our everyday struggle.. Howard Lotker plays the roles of Reich, Reich's son Peter, and himself. The theme which connects these three is the life-long search for one's place in the world.

The title of the performance Little Man, is borrowed from Reich's book Listen, Little Man, in which Reich lets forth his frustration with a world unable to free itself from the chains of "emotional plague". Another source for the performance is the poetic autobiography of Reich's son Peter, A Book of Dreams. The final source is Lotker's own autobiography and his personal connections with Reich's work.


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"Little Man is billed as a "one-man show", but that isn't entirely the truth. The participation of the sound, light and projection artists is important, and the public has an active role as well. Theater, as HoME sees it, contains capabilities for limitless absorption.During the final technical rehearsal for Little Man which I attended, there were several children playing on the floor, and this didn't seem to bother anyone. Nether did the cracking of the light bulb or the computers sudden break downs. So it appears that Howard Lotker and his friends truly must have the healthy "soft bellies" recommended by Dr. Reich."

Magdalena Platzova, Respect Magazine