You look and glimpse a group of guys in suits and ties wandering through the center.

….but something about it is off… so you look again…

THE EnTIEtled is an hour-long site specific intervention / performance that travels through the heart of cities, among and in between the cultural, business and everyday spheres, aggressively examining the current state of affairs in politics and society as reflected in that location in the city - opening up the individual, group behaviors and needs that sustain our current generation of business leaders.

Sometimes using a harsh, mocking and ironic tone, sometimes deadly serious, the performance reveals how the world looks from the entitleds’ point of view, shows their strategies to endure the pain necessary for business success. Audiences and passersby will be recruited for high-level positions, take part in a mock management training exercise, be exposed to pseudo-spiritual rituals and aspects of religion that help to sustain the cold economic logic at the center of THE EnTIEtleds’ neoliberal approach.

The performance engages audiences and everyday people on the street, who are invited to follow along as it wanders through the streets of your town, into and around long-lost memories of utopias never come and never gone, though the lives of those it has affected, afflicted, lifted up, and crushed down along the way…

THE EnTIEtled - an S.O.S.

The performance is a reaction to the fact that as a society we find ourselves stuck inside the same broken ideals and ideas on how to run the economy and politics.

Why are we unable to make changes so long overdue?

Who are THE EnTIEtled, what are they entitled too, and why is this way of organizing

Things still being used everywhere?

Can we save our ship before it is too late?

We will never wash ourselves clean. how have we come this far?

THE EnTIEtled premiered at 4+4 Days in Motion Festival in October of 2017 at the festival’s site specific base at Kasarna in Karlin, Prague 8. It can be adapted to a variety of cities or towns.

HoME this time is Jakub Čermák, Roman Horák, Howard Lotker, Pasi Mäkelä, Cristina Maldonado, Philipp Schenker, Dragan Stojčevski, Sodja Zupanc-Lotker

Produced by 4+4 Days in Motion, HoME theater and MOTUS at Alfred ve dvore theater

Additional info performance length – 1 hour, performed by 5 – 9 male performers in suits.


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